Between staying in touch with friends and family, trying to be a superstar at work, and keeping up with household chores, life can get pretty complicated.
But a recent Quora threat called "How can I make my life simpler?" suggested that life doesn't always have to be as complicated as we make it.
Several users provided helpful suggestions on ways to streamline our day-to-day lives. Here are nine of our favorite ideas for how you can make every day a little bit simpler.
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Just say no.

While it might not be easy, saying no to anything that adds clutter to your life leaves room for what's most important to you.
"You need to say no to everything that doesn't matter," says Oliver Emberton. "Practice saying no to everything by default, and making rare, precious exceptions."
Once you start, your priorities will become clearer.
Move abroad.

Quora user Mark Pan suggests moving to another country for a couple of years. The transition will force you to let go of big complications such as an unfulfilling job or a messy relationship, as well as force you to pare down your belongings.
"Once you come back, you'll have much less baggage, both tangible and intangible, and be able to start fresh in many aspects," he says.
Make up your mind.

Shrugging off decisions with a flip "I don't know" will only make choosing harder in the long run.
Radhika Devidas explains: "This 'I don't know' feeling that you get from time to time only means that you have to ponder some more to arrive at something solid. When you leave things at this stage, they tend to become huge and often cancerous when they catch your attention the second time."
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