A well-planned summer vacation starts with working out the financial details so you don’t go over budget. One of the things that vacationers often forget to factor into their calculations are the sneaky fees that can pop up along the way, like baggage fees, ATM fees and booking fees. Knowing how to avoid them can help you ensure that your getaway doesn’t break the bank.
SEE ALSO: 5 things I did to save money on a month-long trip through Asia before I even left the US
1. Choose a credit card with built-in travel perks
Benefits like priority boarding, Wi-Fi access and lounge access might cost extra, unless you’ve booked your flight with a rewards credit card that offers those perks. It might be a good idea to look for a rewards card that’s co-branded with the airline that you prefer to fly with.
That way, you’re more likely to get your hands on the kinds of rewards you’re after. Just keep in mind that the card’s annual fee could cancel out the value of any freebies.
2. Switch to an online bank to avoid ATM fees
Pulling cash out of a foreign ATM could cost you $4 or $5 per withdrawal. If you’re trying to keep the final price tag for your trip as low as possible, that’s money you can’t afford to waste. Opening a checking account with an online bank that either waives foreign ATM fees or reimburses you for them means you won’t get penalized if you make a withdrawal when you’re abroad.
3. Don’t pay for insurance you already have
Spending money on travel insurance or paying for the rental car company’s accident insurance may give you some peace of mind. But there’s a good chance that you’re already covered. It’s best to read the fine print on your credit card agreement to see if your card issuer offers things like travel accident insurance, baggage insurance or rental car collision coverage. Those benefits are often included at no additional cost and can save you a nice chunk of change.
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