Last year, French photographer Réhahn took a trip to some of Malaysia's most remote islands in the hopes of documenting the lives of the Bajau, the "sea gypsies" who inhabit the area.
Located off the east coast of the Malaysian city of Sabah, the island of Borneo was Réhahn's jumping-off point. From there he visited eight small islands that are many miles removed from civilization.
Some tourists may know this area for its amazing dive sites, but Réhahn saw a different side: tiny villages made up of huts built on stilts in the middle of the ocean.
You can see more of Réhahn's photos on his Facebook page.
Réhahn's journey to the islands was anything but easy. After a flight to Kuala Lumpur, another three-hour flight to Tawau, and an hour-and-a-half bus ride to Semporna, Réhahn set out to find a local who would take him to the remote islands where the Bajau, or "sea gypsies," live.

Tour agencies would only agree to take Réhahn to resorts, and most fishermen he encountered along the waterfront spoke no English. When he was lucky enough to find someone who did, the price they asked for the trip was high.

After spending a night sleeping on the waterfront — a risky move, as there's a history of tourist kidnappings in the area — Réhahn finally met Karim, a Bajau who agreed to take him to the remote islands he was hoping to visit.

See the rest of the story at Business Insider