It’s pretty much a given that when you’re traveling with kids you’re bound to have at least one Clark Griswold moment. Since you can’t just tell your kids that Florida is closed, you’re going to have to figure out how to keep everyone calm. Because if you think you have it rough in the driver’s seat, try to remember what it must feel like to be a small ball of pure kinetic energy that’s buckled up for hours at a time. Below is a list of the best books about traveling that can help your passengers can relax when they answer is, “No, we’re not there yet.”
"Are We There Yet?"

Caldecott-winner Dan Santat captures what it feels like to be crammed in the back of station wagon with nothing to do but pick your nose. For the kid in this book time actually starts to go backwards as his bored mind starts to wander on the way to Grandma’s house. Things start to get weird, and pages are even flipped upside down — but hey, it’s something to do to pass the miles.
Ages: 4 – 8
Are We There Yet by Dan Santat ($18)
"Pinny In Summer"

The story is just a day-in-the-summertime life of Pinny — a kid who has nothing to do but chill out, watch clouds, feed seagulls, bake cakes, and asks rocks for wishes. And while it’s a good transitional title from picture books to chapter books, you’ll be damned if it won’t make you feel super depressed about not having a 2 month summer vacation.
Ages: 4 – 7
Pinny In Summer by Joanne Schwartz ($17)
"Sea Change"

Remember that one summer you were sent away to spend the season in Point Aconi, Nova Scotia, helping on your great uncle’s fishing boat? No? It doesn’t matter, because while the details may be Canadian, the themes are universal. Bullies, girls with secrets, striping mining, and corporate overlords are somehow all touched upon in a beautifully illustrated book for your preteen who can handle these more adult themes.
Ages: 8 – 12
Sea Change by Frank Viva ($19)
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