In case you've been avoiding the internet the past week or so, Harry Potter fans were recently all too excited for the release of the new book "Harry Potter and the Cursed Child," which was presented on stage in London.
And understandably so. After all, they’ve been salivating for another peek into the wizarding world of magic since J.K. Rowling completed the series almost ten years ago.
The new tome sold more than two million copies in the first 48 hours of its release in the U.S. and its readers devoured the pages at rapid fire pace. But we say the fun doesn't have to stop at the final page.
Avid fans can continue to celebrate the series by visiting Harry Potter-inspired places around the world. Whether you travel by apparition, the Floo Network, broom, Portkey, or plane, here are 13 spots every Harry Potter enthusiast should add to their bucket list.
1. The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, Universal Studios
Universal Studios brings the magical world of Harry Potter to fans in not one, but three locations around the world. Universal Orlando, Japan, and Los Angeles all boast their own Harry Potter theme parks with roller coasters, a full-size replica of Hogsmeade, Hogwarts Express, and butterbeer galore. The highlights vary from location to location, but all offer an unforgettable experience you'll be talking about long after you've arrived home.
2. The Lockhart
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Another reason to add Toronto to your must-visit list: The Lockhart. The new Harry Potter-themed bar features decor with famous sayings from the book as well as Harry Potter dolls, a Patronus symbol, and spiked beverages inspired by the series. Oh, and Death Eaters even have their own drink.
3. College of Wizardry
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For those who fantasize about a spell that can transport them into the Harry Potter books, the College of Wizardry is about as close as it can get. The four-day wizard school is set in a castle inPoland and offers visitors the chance to take wizarding classes and meet and mingle with others who love magic. Though the getaway is not exactly Harry Potter themed, it comes with its own houses, magical creatures, and is too close to a Hogwarts experience to pass up.
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