So you've been bitten by the travel bug. You've got a severe case of wanderlust. You, as artist Melody Truong once put it, are in love with cities you've never been to and people you've never met.
You don't have to confine your adventures to the standard two weeks of vacation time. Now more than ever, it's possible to make a living traveling the world. Whether it's being your own boss as a freelance photographer or working at different branches of an international hotel chain, here are 11 jobs where traveling actually pays off.
From audio mixing to lighting design, roadies accompany bands on tour and run the shows behind the scenes. It’s not a job for the faint of heart, with long nights on the road and lots of heavy lifting, but you get the best seat in the house.
Cargo isn’t the only thing that can cross oceans in this field. Buying indigenous crafts directly from local artists and shipping them to eager customers means you get to travel and shop for a living.
This one requires more of a commitment — namely, grad school. But if you like spending your days studying history, working outdoors, and uncovering ancient ruins, it doesn’t get much better than this.
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