Flying first class is a delicacy some of us will never experience. But flying first class like this — well — it’s pretty much the stuff of kings.
On a recent trip to Dubai from New York City, Casey Neistat was blessed with a free first class upgrade courtesy of Emirates Airlines. This wasn’t just any first class seat, however. Such a ticket would normally cost a cool $21,635.30 USD.
Pleasantly pleased with the accommodations, Neistat then chose to document every aspect of his 14-hour flight. And no, he was not hired or paid by Emirates.
In short, we’ve never really seen such an array of amenities on a flight, ever. But to explore the many delicacies along with Casey, press play above.
After taking a look at the insane $21,000 USD first class seat, see below to check out what a $38,000 USD flight experience looks like.