In the world of on-the-go grooming, there's travel friendly and then there's travel savvy.
Travel-friendly is a 3.4-ounce, or 100ml, bottle, the maximum size the TSA allows you to take in your carry-on.
But travel friendly can add up: After you count your shave cream, face wash, moisturizer, toothpaste, and maybe even soap, you won't have much space left in your bag.
But there's a savvy solution with the On The Road Travel Kit, the newest release from Triumph & Disaster, a New Zealand-based company that focuses on natural men's grooming products for frequent travelers.
The Kit offers four one-ounce bottles of the brand's most loved products for living life on the road. It comes with its all-purpose and slightly minty YLF wash for hair and body.
Instead of using that residue-leaving bar of soap, this liquid soap has moisturizing argan and rosewood oils that work on both hair and skin, as well as marine collagen, which helps skin repair itself.
It's safe for your face, but the kit also offers a little pampering in the form of Ritual, Triumph & Disaster's gentle and musky peppermint-scented face wash.
Instead of appropriating a hotel's hair conditioner as shave cream (an old traveler's trick), check out the included Old-Fashioned Shave Cream, creamy smooth, non-blade clogging, and nonirritating with its all-natural Lanolin and coconut oil base.
It has what every guy needs when he's far from home: Gameface, which is Triumph & Disaster's moisturizer. Perfect for hydrating skin dried by long flights and hotel winter heating, it's made with hydrating jojoba and the antioxidant-rich flower, horopito. Gameface is scented with a handsome mix of cedar and sandalwood, meaning you can leave your cologne at home.
Whether for you, or for a frequent traveler in your life, the On the Road Travel Kit is an excellent grab-and-go way to have a stellar lineup of the essentials you need, grooming-wise, for the next weekend trip. [$60;]
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