Sometimes, it pays to travel below the earth's surface.
Virgin cave systems comprise some of the last unexplored regions on our planet. Late last year, for the first time ever, a group of cavers photographed a cave in China that's so vast it even has its own weather system.
But for those who deem caving — or spelunking — a little too adventurous, camera-wielding cavers have captured the beauty of the earth's interior.
Here are 12 of the most breathtaking caves in the world.
West of Koh Mook, Thailand, is the gorgeous Morakot Cave. Also known as the Emerald Cave, visitors must swim 230 feet in complete darkness to reach the cave's private beach, which is walled in on all sides.
The world-renowned Waitomo Glowworm Cave in New Zealand is home to the Arachnocampa luminosa, a worm that emits its own light. Visitors can take a boat ride through the caves and see the glowworms, which look like tiny stars in the darkness.
Source: Waitomo Caves
Some of the most interesting caves in the world are the Crystal Caves of Naica, in Mexico, which were discovered in 2000. The immense crystals are believed to have grown for about 500,000 years due to the chamber's unique conditions.
Source: National Geographic
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