Locals like to say there’s never a bad day in Yellowstone. But some activities are better than others. Near the top of my list is a slow drive along the north shore of Yellowstone Lake. The easy trail to Storm Point is worth a half hour’s walk, or more if the wind is calm and the boulders are comfortable for sitting. A few miles east, a side road leads to Lake Butte Overlook which offers views across North America’s largest alpine lake to the Teton range 100 miles south. This is a good place to be at sunset.
From the lake, Yellowstone River flows through the rolling, open hills of Hayden Valley, famous for wildlife viewing. At sunrise, the river is often shrouded in mists that have gathered in the cool of the night. Shaggy bison appear and fade away like ghosts on a stage.
Then, a few miles north, the river enters the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone, a great yellow gorge with two towering waterfalls. The main overlooks are splendid, but walking the rim trails provide the best range of views, along with quiet spots where you might dangle your feet over the edge and ponder the power of erosion.
Of course there's always Old Faithful Geyser, the icon of Yellowstone and truly a marvel if you see it in the right conditions -- that is, not at noon on a hot July day with a zillion other people. October is a good time to be there, but even in mid-summer it’s easy to beat the sleepy-heads if you go out early. Besides having the place to yourself, the reward is cool morning air, in which the hundreds of hot spring vents and geysers appear stronger, their steam more dense. Indeed, if there is magic in a geyser, it is found at dawn.
From Old Faithful, a boardwalk winds over Geyser Hill, where thermal features are packed in so tightly you think they must be having a convention. Somewhere within sight, a geyser is almost sure to be erupting. The trail continues along the Firehole River, past steamy pools and geysers great and small – all of them promising to erupt if you just wait long enough. Sawmill is among the likely; it erupts often to about 25 feet high. Giant, on the other hand, bides its time, brooding perhaps for years before exploding to 250 feet or more. The main trail ends at Morning Glory Pool, a quiet beauty. Most people turn around at this point, but five minutes farther lies the aquamarine frothing gem called Artemisia.
Speaking of hot water, the biggest springs in the park are found in Midway Geyser Basin north of Old Faithful – just two, in a sort of enormous yin-yang embrace. Both are roughly 300 feet across but one, Grand Prismatic Hot Spring, is the picture of calm, surrounded by colored streamers of heat-loving algae and bacteria. Close beside it, Excelsior Geyser is a rock-rimmed lake of ever-boiling turbulence. Strange twins indeed.
Since wolves were reintroduced to the park in 1995, the northern valleys, particularly Lamar Valley, have become famous as a place to see the most controversial animal in the region. It remains a relatively quiet, splendidly scenic place. One of its prime attributes lies just outside the park, but we should count it anyway.
The Beartooth Highway is a glorious excursion into the high country of Montana. Poets gush and painters spill gallons when they see the Beartooth.
If you’d like to stretch your legs on moderate trails, several hikes stand out. The Mount Washburn summit trail follows the old Chittenden Road to a commanding view of practically the entire park. Even if you walk only part of the way, this is a good choice in July for wildflowers and close encounters with bighorn sheep.
Near Mammoth, the Bunsen Peak trail skirts the edge of wide-open Swan Lake Flats with terrific views of the Gallatin Range, then descends through a forested canyon to the main hot springs. It’s all downhill if you can arrange a shuttle back to the trailhead.
For geysers and hot springs without the crowds, the Fairy Falls Trail (in Midway Geyser Basin) offers a path less traveled. The falls are a wispy veil, while nearby Imperial Geyser feeds a warm creek that draws a steamy ribbon through the grass.
Finally, the northeastern corner offers high mountains and wildlife-filled valleys. The Lamar River Trail starting at the confluence of Soda Butte Creek takes in a broad sample of this varied landscape. Two miles or ten, it’s all good.
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About Jeremy Schmidt
Jeremy Schmidt is a wildlife biologist and writer with a comprehensive knowledge of Yellowstone National Park and the surrounding Wyoming area. He has worked as a ranger, winter caretaker and guide at Yellowstone for more than three decades.